In a groundbreaking move towards sustainable infrastructure, Praj Industries has launched India’s first national highway utilizing lignin-based bio-bitumen, a greener alternative to traditional fossil-derived bitumen. This eco-friendly stretch of road on the Nagpur-Mansar Bypass marks a significant step towards reducing the environmental impact of road construction.
Lignin Bio-bitumen: A Sustainable Solution
Praj Industries has developed a proprietary technology that converts crude lignin, a byproduct of the paper and pulp industry, into bio-bitumen. This bio-bitumen can be blended with conventional bitumen, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
Benefits of Lignin Bio-bitumen
Reduced Emissions: Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70%. Cost Savings: Has the potential to save India Rs 40-45 billion in foreign exchange annually. Sustainable Sourcing: Utilizes agricultural waste, reducing reliance on imported materials. Proven Durability: Pilot project demonstrated its resilience over 2.5 years and three monsoon seasons.
Collaboration and Innovation
This innovation was developed in partnership with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research- Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI). The successful implementation of lignin bio-bitumen in the Nagpur-Mansar project highlights the potential for collaboration and innovation in creating sustainable infrastructure solutions.
A Greener Future for Road Construction
The use of lignin bio-bitumen in road construction aligns with India’s green energy goals and its commitment to sustainable development. This initiative paves the way for a future where roads are built with environmentally friendly materials, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner planet.