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REMC and IRFC sign MOU to Power Indian Railways

REMC and IRFC sign MOU to Power Indian Railways

REMC and IRFC sign MOU to Power Indian Railways

The Railway Energy Management Company (REMC) and the Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC) have teamed up to explore new ways to finance power projects for Indian Railways (IR). This partnership aims to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply for the country’s extensive rail network.

Collaboration for a Stronger Power Supply

REMC and IRFC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together on financing power projects that will benefit Indian Railways. This collaboration will focus on several key areas:

Expanding Power Generation Options

The partnership will also facilitate the financing of various types of power projects, including thermal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources. This will help diversify IR’s energy mix and promote the use of cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

Captive Power Projects

The MoU will also support the development of captive power projects, which are power plants dedicated to supplying electricity to a specific entity, in this case, Indian Railways. These projects can be established through joint ventures between IR and other organizations, ensuring a dedicated and reliable power supply.

About REMC and IRFC

This collaboration between REMC and IRFC is a significant step towards ensuring a robust and sustainable power supply for Indian Railways. By working together, these organizations can leverage their expertise and resources to develop and finance power projects that will benefit the railway network and contribute to India’s overall energy security.

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